为促进腹部手术病人排气功能的尽早恢复 ,鼓励、协助病人早期活动 ,并对不同活动时间的排气恢复情况进行了观察。结果显示 :术后 2 4h以内活动的病人排气时间较2 4h以后开始活动病人的排气时间早 ,差异有统计学意义 (P <0 .0 0 1)。提示 :术后早期活动可促进肛门排气。
To accelerate the early recover of exsufflation in patients with abdominal operation, patients were encouraged and helped to do some activities early. They were observed on their recover of exsufflation when they did activities in different time. Results showed that the exsufflation time was earlier in patients who conducted some activities within 24 h of operation than that in those who conducted activities beyond 24h of operation (P<0.001). Suggested that patients with abdominal operation do some exercises earlier would accelerate their exsufflation.
Chinese Nursing Research