目的 探讨遗传因素在普通型偏头痛发生中的作用及该病的遗传方式。方法 以 2 7例普通型偏头痛患者为先证者 ,收集其一级和二级亲属的患病资料 ,采用零截尾泊松分布模型判断该病有无家庭聚集性 ,应用Penrose法和Li Mantel Gart法判断该病的遗传方式 ,应用PPAP软件估算该病的遗传度。结果 先证者一级亲属该病的患病率 >二级亲属 >一般人群 ,符合多基因遗传病的特点 ;Penrose法的结果也显示该病为多基因遗传病 ,其一级亲属的遗传度为 0 .935± 0 .0 98,二级亲属的遗传度为 0 .439± 0 .2 84,遗传度的加权平均值为 0 .82 4±0 .0 93。
Purpose: To research roles of genetic factors on occurrence of migraine without aura and hereditary modes of the disorder. Methods: 27 patients with migraine without aura were collected as probands, then the first- and second-degree relatives of probands were surveyed for their affected status. Familial aggregation of the disorder was assessed by zero truncated Poisson distribution model. Hereditary mode of the disorder was assessed by using Penrose's method and Li-Mantel-Gart's method. Heritability of the disorder was calculated by using PPAP software. Results: The migraine without aura had evident familial aggregation. The gradient of prevalence of the disorder in various populations was first-degree relatives, second-degree relatives and general population from big to small, conforming to the feature of the polygenic hereditary disorder. The result of Penrose's method also showed that the disorder was a kind of polygenic hereditary disorder. The heritability of the disorder was 0. 935 ± 0. 098 for the first-degree relatives, 0. 493 ± 0.284 for the second-degree relatives, the weighed heritability was 0. 824 ± 0. 093. Conclusions: Migraine without aura is a kind of polygenic hereditary disorder.
Fudan University Journal of Medical Sciences