目的 了解中老年妇女慢性病患病状况 ,为社区中老年妇女的疾病预防、健康促进及制定中老年卫生政策提供科学依据。方法 采用入户调查的方式 ,对上海市长宁区 75 36 8名 40~ 6 9岁中老年妇女常见慢性病患病率及常见关联因素 ,进行了结构式问卷调查。结果 在长宁区中老年妇女中 ,各种常见慢性病患病率居前5位的依次为高血压 (2 3.9% )、慢性胃炎 (19.7% )、冠心病 (7.4% )、肿瘤 (6 .5 % )和糖尿病 (4 .4% )。常见恶性肿瘤中 ,乳腺癌患病率最高 (75 0 / 10万 ) ,其次是胃癌 (130 / 10万 )。影响慢性病患病率的因素包括年龄、婚姻状况、吸烟、饮酒及饮茶等。结论 社区卫生工作应从健康教育入手 ,积极开展老年病防治工作。卫生部门应关注人口老龄化带来的新问题 。
Purpose: To understand the distribution status of chronic diseases among middle aged and aged women, then to provide foundation for disease control, health promotion and making health policy. Methods: We surveyed the information by visiting the subject's family among 75 368 women who were between 40 and 69 years old. The structural questionnaires were used to collect the information of chronic diseases and their related factors. Results: Among the middle aged and aged women in Changning district, the following chronic diseases ranked the first to fifth place: Hypertension (23.9%), chronic gastritis (19.7%), coronary heart disease (7.4%), tumor (6.5%) and diabetes (4.4%). Among malignant tumor, prevalence rate of breast cancer ranked the first (750/100 000), gastric carcinoma (130/100 000) the second. The affecting factor of chronic diseases included age, martial status, smoking, drinking alcohol, drinking tea and so on. Conclusions: Aged diseases prevention and control must be initialized by health education. Health department must pay more attention to problems related to aged persons and promote the health status of middle aged and aged women.
Fudan University Journal of Medical Sciences