为全面了解上海市急性弛缓性麻痹 (AFP)病例发病情况 ,每年对全市的AFP病例进行回顾性调查。 1991~1994年 15岁以下儿童非脊髓灰质炎 (脊灰 )AFP病例调查发病率在 0 4 / 10万~ 0 8/ 10万之间 ,1995~ 1999年 15岁以下儿童非脊灰AFP病例调查发病率接近或达到 1/ 10万。 1991~ 1999年共漏报AFP病例 2 5例 ,漏报主要发生于 1991~ 1994年。漏报的AFP病例的男女性别之比为 1∶1 4 ,年龄以 5~ 14岁居多 ,占 75 0 % ;市级医院漏报较为严重。上海市的AFP病例主要以格林 -巴利综合征、急性脊髓炎、非脊灰肠道病毒感染或疫苗相关病例为主。
In order to know the morbidity of acute flaccid paralysis(AFP) Cases in Shanghai,we investigated the AFP cases every year from 1991 to 1999.The results showed that the morbidity of AFP was 0.4~0 8/100,000 in 1991~1994,and was about 1/100,000 in 1995~1999.The failed reported AFP cases were 25 and 79.2% of them chiefly occurred in 1991~1994 in the municipal hospitals.The ratio of male to female was 1∶1.4,the case distribution had no seasonal peak,and age distribution was mainly in 10~14 year old children.We suggest the standard morbidity of AFP Cases in Shanghai was 1/100,000.The AFP cases chiefly were Guillain-Barre syndrome,acute myelitis,non-polio enteroviruses and vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization