安庆市自一九九七年实施乡级接种门诊以来 ,经历了试点、推广阶段 ,取得了可喜成绩。为总结经验 ,促使定点接种和计划免疫工作更好地发展 ,我们于 2 0 0 0年 6月 2 2日至 7月 4日对全市乡级接种门诊进行了现况调查 ,结果表明 :乡级接种门诊覆盖率达 93.5 5 % ;所有接种门诊均做到安全接种 ;适龄儿童 BCG、OPV、DPT、MV单苗接种率和“四苗”全程接种率分别为 95 .44 %、87.85 %、87.47%、86 .96 %和 77.5 9% ;乙型肝炎疫苗免疫接种率为 6 3.6 7%。调查说明在农村地区推广乡级接种门诊 ,能被广大群众所接受 ,易于做到规范化要求 ,接种人员的素质能得到保证。
Since carrying out vaccination outpatient service in 1997 in Anqing, it has experienced experiment and popularization stages. To summarize past experiences and advance the development of fixed vaccination and planning immunity work, we surveyed situation of vaccination outpatient service at township level in whole city from June 22 to July 4, 2000. The result showed that rate of coverage of vaccination outpatient service at township level was 93.55%. All vaccination outpatient service at township level was safe vaccination. The rates of single vaccine of BCG, OPV, DPT and MV and global vaccination of four kinds of vaccine were 95.44%, 87.47%, 86.96% and 77.59% respectively. The rate of hepatitis B vaccination was 63.67%. It showed farmers could accept vaccination outpatient service at township level. It was easy to do according to requirements of standards. The quality of vaccination staff was ensured and the rate of hepatitis B vaccination was improved. However, the vaccination outpatient service should be further standard. Authors′address Center of Disease Control of Anqing, Anqing, Anhui Province, P.R.China.
Chinese Health Service Management