以红三叶草为材料 ,利用三室隔网培养方法 ,研究了施用不同磷源条件下 ,接种 VA菌根真菌 (Glomus mosseae和Glomusversiforme)对外加有机磷源及土壤有机磷的利用效率。植物生长 1 0周后 ,测定植株干物重、含磷量、菌根侵染率及根系长度。结果表明 :接种菌根真菌能明显增加植株干物重和含磷量。接种条件下无机磷 (KH2 PO4 )对植株生长的促进作用大于有机磷 (Na-phytate)处理 ,接种 Glomusversoiforme的作用明显大于接种 Glomusmosseae。接种 Glomusmosseae,植株对磷酸二氢钾中磷的吸收量明显大于植酸钠 ,而接种 Glomusversiforme时则植株对植酸钠的磷吸收量明显高于磷酸二氢钾。上述结果说明接种两菌种对不同磷源的作用不同 ,接种 Glomusmosseae可提高磷酸二氢钾中磷的利用率 。
In order to study the role of VAM hyphae in absorbing phosphorus from organic phosphorus sources,a pot experiment was carried out under the controlled condition.The pot was separated into three compartments:root,hyphal and balk soil compartments.Root compartment was separated from the hyphal compartment by a nylon net with 30 μm in diameter.Red clover were planted in the root compartment inoculated or uninoculated with VAM fungus, Glomus mosseae and Glomus versiforme respectively combined with application of Na phytate or KH 2PO 4 in the hyphal compartments.In control treatments,no phosphorus was added.The results showed that mycorrizal infection significantly increased phosphorus uptake of red clover from different phosphorus sources and growth improved as well.Inorganic phosphorus(KH 2PO 4)had better effect on growth of plants than organic phosphorus(Naphytate).Inoculum of Glomus versiforme was better than that of Glomus mosseae in content of dry weight accumulation. Plant took more phosphorus from than from Na phytate than from KH 2PO 4 when inoculated Glomus mosseae, but plant took more phosphorusthan from KH 2PO 4 when inoculated Goomus versiforme . The results clearly demonstrated that efficiency of VAM hyphae in utilizing of organic phosphorus by red clover.The organic P could improve growth of the plants inoculated with defferent VAMF which could play an important role in direct contribution to plant P nutrition.
Acta Ecologica Sinica
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (4 0 0 71 0 5 0 )