研究了 0 .2 3T稳恒磁场对不同温度下的离体牛肝过氧化氢酶 (CAT)构象及活力的影响 ,并从分子水平讨论了磁场对不同温度的过氧化氢酶产生不同生物学效应的可能机制。将不同温度的天然酶液置于磁感应强度为0 .2 3T的磁场中分别处理一定的时间 ,处理过程中保持环境温度与酶液温度一致 ,撤离磁场后立即在相同实验条件下对其进行光谱分析及量热分析 ,并用Beers&Sizers法 (改良型 )测定酶活力。结果表明 ,磁场使 2 5℃过氧化氢酶的构象发生明显变化 ,表现为荧光偏振度增加、出现明显的差示扫描量热曲线、产生λ2 10nm~ 310nm的紫外差光谱以及λ330nm荧光发射峰的荧光强度改变 (荧光发射峰的峰位未移动 ) ,构象变化的同时酶活力增加 ;15℃过氧化氢酶的构象及活力变化规律与 2 5℃过氧化氢酶类似 ,但强度均弱于 2 5℃酶 ;而 4℃过氧化氢酶的构象及活力没有发生变化 ,表现出未受磁场处理的影响。相同实验条件下 ,磁场对不同温度的酶分子影响不同 ,随温度的增加 ,影响效应趋于显著。由于不同温度的酶分子之间的差异在于构象状态的不同 ,这表明酶分子自身的构象状态对磁场处理效果有极其重要的影响。不同温度的过氧化氢酶磁效应差异显著可能是由磁致酶构象变化的特殊机制所引起。磁场对酶分子构象的影响可能是通?
The effects of 0.23T steady magnetic field on catalas in different temperature were studied in this paper.We found that the biological effects of magnetic field on vitro catalas wrer different when it was treated under different temperature condition.It only meant that the enzymatic molecule had different conformation while it was in different temperature.So the results of magnetic action on vitro enzyme had much to do with its initial conformational states when it was treated under magnetic field.In different treated temperature,there would be different magnetic effects on vitro enzyme.We put forward a mechanism,which dealt with the conformational change of vitro enzyme after it was exposed in magnetic field for a period of time,to explain the special phenomena that different treated temperature led to different magnetic effects.
Acta Laser Biology Sinica