用 5 32nm的激光作为激发光源分别测量正常血液、血浆及HBsAg阳性血液、血浆的荧光光谱。血液光谱的测量结果显示 ,两种血液标本都在 6 30nm及 710nm附近出现有荧光峰值。从光谱学的角度分析 ,可得出激光照射血液治疗的内在机制在于激光照射可增强血液的携氧能力 ,从而促进了机体的新陈代射。血浆图谱测量结果显示 ,正常血浆及HBsAg阳性血浆在 738nm处的荧光强度有显著差异 ,可作为临床光谱诊断中判断HBsAg阳性的标准和依据。对HBsAg阳性血液的生化检测结果显示 ,He
Use 532?nm laser as an exciting source to respectively measure the fluorescence spectra of normal blood and HBsAg positive blood,normal blood plasma and HBsAg positive blood plasma.The OD value changes of HBsAg positive blood were examined before and after irradiated by He Ne laser.Both blood fluorescence spectra have peak value near 630?nm and 710?nm.Contrast to normal blood plasmas fluorescence spectra,HBsAg positive blood plasma has a very stronger peak at 738?nm. The results of biochemical examination show that He Ne laser can kill or restrain HBV.
Acta Laser Biology Sinica