为了克服TDB双缸液压往复泵流量和压力波动大需要流量补偿等不足 ,研制了SYB—Ⅰ型三缸液压往复式堵水调剖泵。该型泵采用三个液压缸循环工作原理 ,两个相邻缸之间有运动相位的重叠 ,使泵在工作时各缸相互补偿 ,保证了输出流量的恒定。采用两级液压控制自动换向机构 ,关键元件采用德国生产的专用液压缸筒、TDI系列密封件及GTK系列组合密封 ,使泵密封件工作寿命达 2× 10 7个周期。泵长冲程、低冲次的工作特性赋予了易损件寿命长的特点 ,加之泵的制造成本仅为 7~ 8万元 。
Model TDB hydraulic reciprocating duples pump for water shutoff and profile control operates with large pressure and flow fluctuation.Thereby a new hydraulic reciprocating pump,Model SYB Ⅰ triplex pump,is developed.The new pump runs with constant flow rate by means of cyclical operation of its three cylinders.There are phases overlapped between adjacent cylinders.so the flow from each cylinder can be compensated.The pump has long stroke,low pumping speed and long service life,therefore it can meet the demand of water shutoff and profile control.
China Petroleum Machinery