为了降低油田边远井站集输管线的回压 ,提高抽油泵泵效 ,延长检泵周期 ,减少管线穿孔 ,提高原油产量 ,应用LWB型混输泵改造了纯梁采油厂的油气集输系统。介绍了LWB型混输泵的结构、工作原理及性能特点 ,详述了其现场应用情况 ,并做了经济效益分析。分析表明 ,应用LWB型混输泵后 ,纯梁采油厂在三处油区分别实现年经济效益 2 74 8、 194 6、 737 2万元 ,投资回收期分别为 4 1、 5 8、 1
To lower the back pressure of oil and gas pipelines in remote areas,and to improve the productivity of oil wells,LWB multiphase pumps are adopted to modify the oil and gas agthering system in Chunliang Oil Production Plant in Shengli Oilfield.The structure,operating principle and characteristics of the multiphase pump are introduced,its field application is described,and the economic benefit obtained is commented in detail.
China Petroleum Machinery