用 XRD、IR、NH3-TPD和 Hammett指示剂等方法对几种分子筛 (HZSM-5、HY、Hβ)和氧化物固体酸(SO2 - 4 /Zr O2 和 WO3/Zr O2 )进行了结构表征和酸性测定 ,并在相同的实验条件下比较了它们对异丁烷 -丁烯烷基化反应的催化活性和稳定性。结果表明 ,其烷基化产物中各种组分的收率有显著差异 ,催化性能优劣的次序为 :Hβ>HY>WO3/Zr O2 >SO2 - 4 /Zr O2 >HZSM-5。结合它们的基本物化性质 ,从反应机理上对催化性能的差异进行了分析 ,认为 Hβ和
The structural characterization and acid site measurements of several zeolites (HZSM 5, HY, H β ) and mixed oxide solid acids (SO 2- 4/ZrO 2, WO 3/ZrO 2) were carried out by XRD、IR、NH 3 TPD and Hammett indicators etc.. Catalytic behaviors were investigated under similar conditions. Catalytic activity of isobutane butene alkylation is suggested to be expressed as butene conversion in the order of: H β >HY>WO 3/ZrO 2>SO 2- 4/ZrO 2>HZSM 5. Alkylate distributions for different catalysts were rather different. The differences in catalytic behaviors of alkylation among various solid acids were analyzed in detail on the basis of the reaction mechanisms and also the physicochemical properties of those solid acids. H β and HY are hopefully to be used as candidates of the alkylation catalyst.
Acta Petrolei Sinica(Petroleum Processing Section)