将地球的潮汐力分解为两个分力 FC1,FC2 ,在黄道坐标系内分别讨论其连续性特征 ,针对各分力振幅的连续性俯视特征 ,映射出各潮汐分力的全球性特征分布 ,进而讨论了各个特征曲线交点的属性 ;在直角坐标系内研究了海潮等振幅曲线的表示方法 ,论述了潮汐振幅极大点在地球公转过程中的位置变化 ,及在自转过程中的时间、地点变化特点 .最后指出 :1由潮汐分力导致潮汐波的振幅具有对称性 ;2潮汐等振幅线为环形线 ;3海潮极大点的绝对振幅主要受所在海域的海水质量控制 ;4大气、地幔潮汐振幅的连续性特点与海潮具有相似性 .
Earth tide force is divided into two component forces, and their continuity characteristics are discussed in ecliptic coordinate system. The global distributions of the components are derived based on the waist leveldistribution characteristics of their amplitudes. The attributes of the crossing points of the global distribution curves are also analyzed. The expression method of the equivalent curves of ocean tide amplitude is studied in rectangular coordinate system. The variation of the position of maxinum earth tide amplitude in earth revolution,and the variations of the position and time of it in earth rotation are stated. It is concluded that the tidal component forces cause the symmetry of tidal wave amplitude;the equivalent curves of the tidal wave amplitude are annular;the maxinum amplitude of ocean tide depends on the quality of the seawater in the sea area;the continuity characteristics of atomsphere tide and mantle tide amplitudes are similar to those of ocean tide amplitude.
Journal of Xi'an Petroleum Institute(Natural Science Edition)
国家重点实验室开放课题资助 (PL N0 10 8)