为寻求兴安百里香人工扦插繁育的适宜条件 ,研究了三种不同基质 (校园土、细砂、珍珠岩 )、两种处理 (ABT生根粉溶液处理和不经处理 )和三个生长期 (15d、30d、40d)三因素对兴安百里香插穗的生根情况的影响。结果表明 :不经生根液处理直接扦插的最佳基质为校园土 ;长时间 (2 4h)ABT生根液 (0 .1g·L- 1 )浸泡的插穗生根受到抑制 ,而经过 0 .1g·L- 1 ABT生根液浸渍 5min插穗的校园土中在生根情况明显好于未经处理的插穗。扦插后 15天的校园土中的生根率就已达到了 85 % ,40天时达到 10 0 %
In order to find the suitable cutting conditions of Thymus dahuricus Serg., study on the cutting propagation test of Thymus dahuricus Serg. was made under three factors:three different mechanisms(campus soil, sand, perlite),two treatments(untreated Vs ABT auxin treatment) and three growing periods(15d,30d,40d).The result is :Without the treatment of auxin solution, the best mechanism is campus soil. After long time's soak(24h) of ABT auxin solution(0.1g.L -1 ),cutting shoots'rooting ability is restrained. Cutting shoots'rooting ability treated by ABT auxin(0.1g.L -1 ) is obviously better than that untreated in the campus soil. Rooting rate in the campus soil can reach 85% after 15d's cutting and 100% after 40d's cutting.
Chinese Wild Plant Resources