选择什么样的利率作为我国利率市场化改革中的先导利率关系到利率市场化的成败和我国金融体系深化的进程 ,国债发行利率作为利率体系中的基准利率 ,在利率市场化的过程中起着先导作用 ,但是我国的国债发行利率还存在着诸多缺陷 ,国债发行利率的市场化面临着许多需要着重考虑的因素 ,因此在国债发行利率的市场化过程中应采取审慎的态度和逐步推进的策略。
Which interest rate is selected as the leading rate during the process of market-oriented interest rate is relevant to the success of reform.Treasury bond issuing rate as a benchmark in the interest rate system plays an leading role during this procedure.But in China,treasury bond issuing rate has a lot of weakpoints and factors to be focused.As a result,we should take prudent attitude and implement is step by step.