近十年来 ,西方国家已出现的各种零售业态几乎都可以在中国找到模型。但未来十年 ,各种零售业态在中国的发展趋势各不相同 ,连锁超市将取代传统百货成为零售业的新力量 ;百货商店将重新定位 ,形成经营特色 ;便利店将成为新的竞争焦点 ;网络商店的发展有限 ;出现多功能经营的购物中心。
During last decade, China's Retailing Format has changed dramatically and surprisingly. All kinds of retailing formats developed in western countries appeared in China. But in the coming decade, the developing trend of various retailing formats in China will be quite different. Some of them will become stronger, but some will be weaker; some will develop rapidly, but some will be stagnant. A revolutionary change will happen in China's Retailing Format.
Journal of Guangdong University of Business Studies