春夏秋冬的气候的变化 ,引起文人各自不同的反应。不同意象的选择受到作家情感、人生境遇的制约 ,也受到审美情感的平和与强烈所影响。当诗人的审美情感比较清和时 ,所选择的意象相对来说较温馨 ,而当诗人的审美情感比较强烈时 ,所选择的意象往往力度较强。杜甫的春秋咏时诗通过不同的意象 ,体现了他不同时期的不同感情。
The climate changes in seasons cause different responses from literators .The choice of different images is restricted by the writer's feelings and life circumstances. It's also influenced by the mildness and strength of his beauty_appreciation feelings.When the poet's beauty_appreciation feeling is rather mild, the images he chooses are quite tender. When the poet's beauty_appreciation feeling is ra_ther strong, the images he chooses are also quite strong. In his ode to seasons--Spring and Autumn,Dufu shows his different feelings in different images.
Journal of Yulin Normal University