使用自动张量低能电子衍射研究 Si(111).2×1重构表面,对14个垂直入射非等价衍射束的分析表明,两个不同倾斜的π键链模型的混合能使理论计算与实验Ⅳ曲线的符合程度得到显著的改善.我们认为由于表面原子较大的表面振动,表面存在“劈裂位置”.
The 2×1 Reconstruction of cleaved Si(111) surface was studied by Automated Tensor Low Energy Electron Diffraction. After 14 non-equivalent normal incident beams were analyzed, it was found that the agreement between calculation and experiment had great improvement as two different tilt π bonded-chain models were mixed. We pro-posed the existence of split-positions on the surface due to larger surface vibrations.
Journal of Guangzhou University