研究了存在热阻、热漏及气缸吸放热等损耗下的不可逆卡诺循环火用经济优化准则 .结果表明 :热机的最大输出功率不受高、低温热源热漏的影响 ,但与其热阻成反比 ;火用损耗率与热阻、热漏成正比 .
An optimization criterion for unit quantity of heat economy benefit is determined to existing heat resistance. The heat quantity in irreversible Carnot cycle is let out and has some irreversible loss. The result shows that the greatest output power is free of high or low temperature heat source, but is in inverse proportion to thermal resistance. The loss of the unit is in direct radio with heat leaks and thermal resistance.
Journal of Zhengzhou University (Natural Science)
驻马店地区科委自然科学基础研究项目 (驻科 [1999] 2 4号文 75号