恭城—栗木断裂带的分形分析结果是 :整个断裂带的分维值 D接近 1.5 ,与整个华南地区线性构造的分维值 (D =1.35 )相比 ,该断裂带属结构较复杂、活动性较强的一类 ,但总体上它已趋于成熟。在恭城—栗木断裂带中 ,南北向断裂的分维值远大于北东向和东西向断裂的分维值 。
The fractal dimension analysis of the Gongcheng Limu fault zone indicated that the fractal dimension value D of the whole fault zone is 1 5 approximately It is one of these fault zones which were characterized as complex texture and strong activity in comparison with the lineaments in the whole south China whose fractal dimension value D is 1 35. In the Gongcheng Limu fault zone, the fractal dimension value of SN direction faults is higher than that of NE and EW direction faults. It is illustrated that the SN direction faults is the main part of the whole fault zone.
Guangxi Sciences
广西1:5万区域地质调查资助项目 !(桂地调 [1997] .85 )