甘肃省敦煌市莫高窟藏经洞所出我国中世纪文书 ,有唐宋医学写卷 ,与针灸有关的有 2 0个卷号。其中《灸经图》是重灸派专著。灸壮多至 1千壮 ,保存 5 2个古穴及髓孔、五舟、天门、聂俞、手阳明、扳眉、足阳明古穴名。《新集备急灸经》为唐代针灸图 ,为急症施灸所集。《杂疗病药方》有耳孔灸方法。“不知名医方”中有隔豉饼灸、隔硫黄粉灸、隔雄黄灸等法 ,发展葛洪隔物灸法 ,为珍贵针灸医籍。
In Chinese Middle Ages′ documents from Confucian Classics Collecting Cave in Mogaoku of Dunhuang,Ganshu Province there are hand written medical books of Tang and Song Dynasties,and among them 20 volumes are related with acupuncture and moxibustion.The Jiu Jing Tu was written by the schools who payed attantion to moxibustion.Moxibustion could be given one thousand cones at the most,52 ancient acupoints and Suikong,Wuzhou,Tianmen,Nieshu,Hand Yangming,Banmei,Foot Yangming ancient acupoint names were preserved. A New Classic of Moxibustion for Emeryencies (《新集备急灸经》) is an atlas of acupuncture and moxibustion of Tang dynasty,which was a collection of moxibustion treatment of acute syndromes.In the Za Liao Bing Yaofang moxibustion methods for auricular points were introduced.In the Bu Zhi Ming Yifang,fermented soy bean cake separated moxibustion,sulphur powder separated moxibustion,realgar separated moxibustion and so on were introduced,developing Ge Hong′s materials separated moxibustion.It is a valuable medical book of acupuncture and moxibustion.
Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion