
颅面骨骨牵引延长动物实验观察 被引量:1

Distraction Osteogenesis and Lengthening of Craniofacial Bone-An Observation on Experimental Research
摘要 目的 :观察骨牵引延长技术在颌面骨应用过程 ,了解内置式骨牵引器应用效果 ,为临床提供参考。方法 :用 5只犬下颌骨牵引延长模型 ,保留骨膜的单或双侧下颌骨环皮质骨切开术 ,将内置式微型延长器以垂直于截骨线方式固定于下颌骨颊侧。原位固定 7天后 ,牵引 (1次 /天 ,1mm/天 ) 2 0天 ,固定 1~ 2 0周。结果 :经大体测量、X线及组织学观察 ,证实骨延长效果肯定。结论 :颅面骨牵引延长效果肯定 。 Objective:To observe the process of D0 used in craniofacial bone,to investigate effects of the internal fixed distracter applied on dog mandibles,and to give reference of using the device to surgeons.[WT5”FZ]Methods:[WT5”BZ]5 dogs aged 5~7 months were subjected to unilateral or Bilateral periosteal preserving corticotomy of mandible.An mini device were fixed to the buccal side of the mandible.7 days later,the mandible was lengthened 1mm/d for 20 days,then held in internal fixation for 1~20 weeks.[WT5”FZ]Results:[WT5”BZ] Anthropometric measurements,X ray examination and histological observation conformed that the distracted bone had formed whithin the expanded zone.[WT5”FZ]Conclusion:[WT5”BZ]D0 will contribute a lot to correct the craniofacial deformity in future.
出处 《口腔医学》 CAS 2001年第2期60-62,共3页 Stomatology
基金 军队指令性课题资助! (96L0 47)
关键词 颅面骨 骨牵引延长 动物实验 X线诊断 外科手术 Craniofacial bone Distraction osteogenesis Animal experiment
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