目的 为严重男性化的女性假两性畸形、误养为女性的男性假两性畸形、男性易性癖及要求转变为女性的Klinefelter综合征等患者重建一个符合美学和功能要求的新阴蒂。方法 在 3例阴蒂显著肥大的女性假两性畸形患者的外阴整复术中 ,采用带阴蒂背血管神经蒂部分阴蒂头组织移植法缩小阴蒂 ;在 5例误养为女性的男性假两性畸形、2例男性易性癖和 1例要求转变为女性的Klinefelter综合征患者的外阴女性化手术中 ,采用带阴茎背血管神经蒂部分阴茎头组织移植法再造阴蒂。结果 11例术后新阴蒂均完全成活 ,感觉敏锐 ,外阴形态满意。结论 在两性畸形的外阴女性化手术及男转女性手术中 ,采用带阴蒂 (或阴茎 )背血管神经蒂部分肥大之阴蒂头 (或阴茎头 )组织移植行阴蒂缩小成形或阴蒂再造 ,可形成符合美学和功能要求的新阴蒂。
Objective To form an aesthetically appealing and functional clitoris in feminizing operation of the external genitalia of intersex and in male to female sex reassignment surgery. Methods The dorsal portion of the glans clitoris with the dorsal neurovascular pedicle was used in 3 severely masculinized female intersex patients.The dorsal portion of the glans penis with the dorsal neurovascular pedicle was used for reconstruction of clitoris in 7 patients, of whom 5 patients were male pseudohermaphrodites raised as females; 2 patients were male to female transsexual; and 1 patient with Klinefelter syndrome. Results All neoclitoris survived with satisfying cosmetic and functional results.The male to female transsexual showed good preservation of erotic sensation and erectility in sexual intercourse after operation. Conclusion Using dorsal portion of the hypertrophic glans clitoris or glans penis with a dorsal neurovascular pedicle for reduction clitoroplasty or clitoris reconstruction in the treatment of intersex or male to female transsexual may form an aesthetically appealing and sensitive neoclitoris.;
Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery