

Transcervical Resection of Septa
摘要 子宫纵隔使子宫腔的 对称形态发生改变,可引起不孕、流产及早产。宫腔镜子宫纵隔切除术较传统的开腹矫治方法手术创伤小,出血少,术后恢复快,近期即可妊娠,妊娠及分娩时的子宫破裂几率少,术前应进行妊娠失败其他因素的评估。手术必须在月经净后近期进行。手术前晚插一个宫颈扩张棒,手术在B超和(或)腹腔镜监护下进行 注意防止子宫穿孔。术终放置IUD,并行人工周期3个月。宫腔镜治疗有症状子宫纵隔的效果等于或优于传统的开腹子宫成形术。 Uterine septa ca used the uterine shape asymmetry, intertility, abortion and premature delivery. Compared with traditional laparotomy merhod of trealment on uterine septa transcervical resection of septa (TCRS)is less injury. less Dleeding. laster recovery laster pregnancy, and less uterine rupture auring pregnancy and delivety. Other lactors result in failure of pregnancy has to be evaluated Opetation has to be performed in few days after menses. A uterine cervical dilator is inserted at night before operation. Operation is monitored by B scan and/or laparoscopy Uterine perforation nas to be prevented. IUD is inserted when operation is finished. Aaificial circle is prescribed for months after operation The result ot TCRE to treat symptomatic uterine septa is equal to or best than traditional laparotomy method.
作者 夏恩兰
出处 《当代医学》 2001年第4期29-33,共5页 Contemporary Medicine
关键词 宫腔镜 子宫纵隔 B超声 切除术 hysteroscopy, uterine septa. B ultrasonography
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