Stratabound uranium deposits in carbonate formation of South China mostly occur in arginal epressions f the Late Paleozoic seabasin adjacent to the post-Caledonian upwarping rea. The uraniferous carbonate formation s a suite of tidal flat sediments of lagobn facies haracterized by richness in uranium and existence of pelitic and arbonaceous materials as well s disseminated pyrite.Ore bodies, stratoid and lenticular in form, show conformable r nearly onformable contact with overlying and underlying strata; an ore body (bed) and its wall rocks ake up a equence of ore-bearing rocks, mdicating that ore bodies still preserve autochthonous r semi-autochthonous haracters. Ores are simply uraniferous micritio bioclastic limestone, icritic limestone containing bioclastic aterials, imestone of breccia fragments, fine-rystalline dolo mite and argillite. Uranium in ores occurs mainly as isseminations adsorbed by elitic and carbonaceous materials, and partly as independent minerals such as itchblende. The ear-ore wall rocks have only suffered weak alteration. Ore-forming temperatures are in the ange of 50—89℃, δ^(34)S values of pyrite are +10——24‰, and δ^(18)O_(SMOW) values of arbonate nerals are +8.81—+17.31‰. Ores are basically consistent with wall rocks in mineral and hemical composition, ^(34)S values and δ^(18)O values. U-Pb ages of pitchblende are mostly 96—57 a with rather emarkable time difference between ore and rock, indicating obvious epigenetic ransformation which, however, ainly ook place within the original ore beds. It is therefore onsidered that these ore deposits are stratabound uranium eposits in carbonate formation.The re-forming process of these uranium deposits consists of the following three tages: (1) ynsedimentary stage, forming uraniferous lime mud layer; (2) diagenetic-metallogenic stage, at hich ediments were consolidated to form primitive ore bed first, and then the adsorbed uranium n this bed was partly rystallized to form microgranular pitchblende due to the deep-buried ffects; (3) epigenetic enrichment stage, when uperimposition and enrichment of uranium took lace in the original ore bed as a result of transformation by nderground water or heated ater.
Mineral Deposits