目的 观察注射法硅胶 (液态 )隆鼻术的各种不良反应并探索其治疗方法。方法 在局麻下将病变鼻部位的液态硅胶彻底刮除后 ,用双氧水或含抗生素生理盐水作局部冲洗 ,随后根据情况部分患者即刻行人工骨鼻外形再塑术 ,术后配合口服或静滴抗生素治疗。结果 1994年至 2 0 0 0年共完成 5 9例手术 ,随访 3个月至 5年 ,均取得良好的治疗效果。结论 液态硅胶不适合用于注射法隆鼻 。
Objective To observe various compications after silicone-jel injection for augmentation of nose and explore the suitable treatment. Methods Complete debridement was carried out and local irrigation was used with hydrogen peroxide or saline water containing antibiotic. Immediate rhinoplasty could be performed with particulate artificial bone(hydroxy apatite). Results From 1994 to April 2000, a total of 59 patients were operated on by this method with satisfactory results. The follow up is from 3 months to 5 years. Conclusion Silicone-jel injection is unsuitable for augmentaton of nose. Complete debridement is the only effective method for treatement of various complications.
Journal of Practical Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery