目的 :研究布洛芬乳膏在不同扩散膜上的经皮扩散情况以及氮酮 (Azone)对其扩散的影响。方法 :使用流通扩散池对含氮酮和不含氮酮的布洛芬乳膏进行体外经皮扩散实验 ,测定累积渗透量 ,计算其经皮扩散速率。结果 :鼠皮的经皮扩散速率明显高于蛇蜕的经皮扩散速率 (P<0 .0 1) ,不加促透剂的经皮扩散速率 ,鼠皮是蛇蜕的 6倍 ;加促透剂的经皮扩散速率 ,鼠皮是蛇蜕的 3.5倍 ;氮酮对蛇蜕的促透作用比鼠皮强。结论
Objective: To study the transdermal diffusion of Ibu pr ofen cream on diverse diffusion membrane and the effect of Azone on diffusion. Methods: Flow-through diffusion cell was used to determine the cumulative permea ting amounts of Ibuprofen from Ibuprofen cream with or without Azone. Then diffu sion rate could be calculated. Results: Transdermal diffusion rate on mice skin was significantly higher than that on snake molting,The rates in mice skinwere 6 times and 3.5 times than those in snake molting respectively when enhancer Azo ne was or was not added.Conclusions:The enhancing action of Azone on snake molti ng was superior to that on mice skin.So the application of snake molting as diff usion film should be more practically virtuous.
Tianjin Pharmacy