目的 研究颈部迷走神经干刺激 (VNS)抑制癫痫发作上传通路过程中的关键核团及相关脑区。 方法 利用红藻氨酸 (KA)诱发大鼠复杂部分性癫痫发作 ,并结合Fos免疫组织化学方法观察左颈部迷走神经干电刺激后全脑及延髓内Fos的分布及电刺激的影响。 结果 VNS后脑干双侧孤束核、蓝斑、臂旁核、中脑导水管周围灰质有很强的特异性Fos表达 ,外侧缰核、丘脑室旁核、菱形核、下丘脑室旁核、杏仁中央核、终纹床核、隔外侧核、梨状皮质等脑区亦可见Fos阳性细胞。预先给予电刺激后海马、齿状回、额、顶、颞皮质区域Fos表达明显受到抑制。 结论 VNS后Fos阳性的脑区及核团可能是电刺激发挥抑痫作用的关键部位 。
Objective To investigate the related brain areas and nucleus involved in the inhibition of vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) on epilepsy. Methods Using the kainic acid kindling epilepsy rats model,we observed the distribution of Fos positive neurons in the brain after VNS treatment combined with immunohistochemical method. Results VNS induced a significant increase in Fos immunoreactivity in the bilateral nucleus of solitary tract,the locus coeruleus,parabrachial nucleus,periaqueductal gray of midbrain,lateral habenular nucleus,paraventricular thalamic nucleus,rhomoid thalamic nucleus,paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus.Dense Fos immunoreactive staining was also seen in the central nucleus of amygdala,bed nucleus of stria terminalis,lateral septal nucleus and prepirifiorm cortex.Pretreatment with electric stimulation on cervical vagual nerve stem, c fos expressing of hippocampus formation,cingulate gyrus and frontal,parietal,temporal lobus significantly diminished after KA injection. Conclusion This finding may suggest that VNS activates various brain structure that could be involved in the regulation of seizures.
Acta Anatomica Sinica