目的 为明确谷氨酸对海马神经细胞有无兴奋性和毒性作用。方法 实验选择具有较多NMDA受体的海马作为研究对象 ,选用SD大鼠 ,给予MSG (MonosodiumL glutamate ,剂量为 18mmol/kg)皮下注射 ,在不同的时段观察大鼠的行为表现和其海马神经细胞受损的超微结构的变化。结果 发现大鼠的早期行为表现较为兴奋 ,而后随时间的延长表现迟钝。神经细胞早期为水肿 ,后期水肿明显和细胞器的破坏直至细胞核固缩 ,这些损伤主要表现在CA1区。结论 表明边缘系统的海马结构易受谷氨酸的影响 ,同时也表明谷氨酸对海马神经细胞有兴奋毒性作用 ,此可为临床和基础的研究提供一定形态学的依据目的 为明确谷氨酸对海马神经细胞有无兴奋性和毒性作用。方法 实验选择具有较多NMDA受体的海马作为研究对象 ,选用SD大鼠 ,给予MSG (MonosodiumL glutamate ,剂量为 18mmol/kg)皮下注射 ,在不同的时段观察大鼠的行为表现和其海马神经细胞受损的超微结构的变化。结果 发现大鼠的早期行为表现较为兴奋 ,而后随时间的延长表现迟钝。神经细胞早期为水肿 ,后期水肿明显和细胞器的破坏直至细胞核固缩 ,这些损伤主要表现在CA1区。结论 表明边缘系统的海马结构易受谷氨酸的影响 ,同时也表明谷氨酸对海马神经细胞有兴奋毒性作用 ,此可为临?
Objective In order to make clear Glutamate (Glu) having an excitotoxicity effect on neuron cells. Methods We selected the SD rats to study its response and the hippocampus micromorphology,which were treated with MSG (monosodium L glutamate,with a dose of 18 mmol/kg) subcutaneously.Results It showed that the rats were excited at the early times and were sluggish at late times.The micromorphology noted that the neurons of hippocampus showed swollen cytoplasm slightly at early times,edematous changes obviously and pyknotic nuclei of neurons at the late times,which displayed in the CA1 area range.Conclusion It suggests that the structure of hippocampus called limbic system is influenced by Glu easily and Glu has an excitotoxicity effect on neurons.It may provide basis for pharmacology and food additives.
Shanghai Medical Journal