利用湿地松改良种子园的建园无性系生产的 8个全同胞家系和 2 0个自由授粉家系苗木共营建子代测定林 3块。 3~ 4年生的测定林数据分析结果表明 ,参试的自由授粉家系和全同胞家系的平均生长量显著地大于台山湿地松初级种子园的 ,2 0个自由授粉家系的树高、胸径、材积平均增益分别为 5.54 % ,7.77%和 2 3 .41 % ,初步实现了建园目标 ;同一无性系的不同采种年份的自由授粉子代生长存在着差异 ,有随着种子园母树年龄的增大而表现渐佳的趋势 ;改良园中还存在着少量的误选无性系 ,需要继续作测定和淘汰。从无性系亲子的生长量相关分析中发现 ,生长较差的自由授粉家系 ,较大部分产自生长量偏小的母本无性系。
Twenty open pollinated families and eight full sib families were produced by clones in the improved slash pine seed orchard in Taishan, Guangdong province. And three progeny test plantations were established in 1995 and 1996. Based on the data from these 3 test plantations at age of 3 or 4, the genetic variation was analyzed. The results showed that the open pollinated families and full sib families plantations had bigger growth increment than that of seedlings from the primary slash pine seed orchard. The average real gains of these 20 open pollinated families were 5 54%, 7.77% and 23.41% for height, DBH and volume, respectively. Offspring from the orchard is grow better and better as the parental trees getting mature. There were some unwanted clones because of mis selection in the improved seed orchard, too. It was expected that the genetic gain will increase after removing those poorer clones in the orchard. In general, the better clones will produce better open pollinated families. But the difference was greater among families from those poorer clones, according to analysis of parent offspring correlation. \;
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province
Pinus elliottii , improved seed orchard, progeny test, parent offspring correlation