本文就 9KG—350型高密度捆草机液压传动部分的各参数设计及油路选择、压力与位移之间的关系作一论述.试将我国的液压传动在牧业机械上的应用水平提高到一个新的价段。经过实地作业,各参数均满足设计要求。因此,笔者认为:本文的理论计算可以作为设计制造的依据.
The selection of each parameter and hydraulic pipclinc arrangem ent and the relationship between the pressure and displacement for the hydraulic drive device of 9KG—350 high density hay baler 9KG- 350 model were discussed in this paper,and thus trying to improve the application of hydraulic drive technique in animal husbandry ma- chinery to a new stage in our country.Both the field work and test of this machine proved that all the parameters meet the need of des- ign.Therefore the writer belived that the calculation method could be used in designing practice as a theoretical basis.