Based on the experimental mat6rials of carp, grass carp and silver carp, the experiments were made on ammonia in different concentration to the fishes, acute, subacute, evasion and blood tiny core. It determined the indexes, of ammonia in.different concentration to the fishes' blood tiny core, physiology, biochemistry, It also gave the determined indexes the statistics analysis. The following is the experimental result: The concentration causing the death of the three kinds of fishes within 96 hours is 1.460. 1.363 aam 0.712mg/L. The critical ammonia conCentration of carps evnding is between 0.5-1.0mg/L,The value of sGOPand sGOT are increasing as the concentration is increasing. But Hb aam RBC are decreasing as the concentration is decreasing.There is no tiny core reaction within the normal experimental concentration environment.
Chinese Journal of Fisheries