Based on that development roadway in soft rock hasthe features of fearing air, water and shaking. as well ashigh expansibility and rheologic characteristics, this paperpresents that in designing development roadway in softrock it should be optimized that the selection of rockbedding, section and geometry of roadway, roadwayspacing. supporting scheme. supporting structure andsupporting material etc.. The traditional methods of oncedriving roadway, short driving and short build, and oncesupporting must be abolished due to higher capital outlayand longer period of construction. The theory onsecondary supporting. multi-supporting and combinedsupporting must be used. so that combined function ofsurrounding rock and support will be bring in to fullplay. Therefore, the optimal efficiency of supportingdesign may be achieved. and long period of stability ofdevelopment roadway in soft rock can be realized.
Ground Pressure and Strata Control