A small scale adjustable rich oxygen device by using PSA is constructed and the effects of purge,flux and pressure on the oxygen concentration of productive gas are tested by use of the device.The experimental results show that 1.When the flux is high,the pressure is low.2.The pressure has dramatic affects on the oxygen concentration.3.The effect of flux on the oxygen concentration is related to the value of flux and the purge.When the flux of oxygen riching product is highs the concentration is low.When the purge is too high or too low,the flux of oxygen riching product has little effect on the oxygen concentration.When the purge is moderate and the value of flux is lower than 2 L/min,the flux has great effect on the concentration;when the value of flux is higher than 2 L/min,the effect becomes little.4.The purge has considerable effects on the oxygen concentration.When the purge is moderate(the angle of the valve is 180°),the oxygen concentration is higher;if the value is too high or too low,the oxygen concentration is lower.The highest concentration of oxygen riching product is about 75% O 2 by using this device,while the flux is 0 51 L/min.When the oxygen concentration is 55%,the flux can be as high as 3 5 L/min.This shows that the decive is quite suitable for home and oxygen bar and it will have great economic benefits.