A routine, all-sided monitoring upon the undergroupdpressure for knowing the supporting qualiyty on a fullymechanized face is a significant way of well controlling theroof and enhencing the output of the face. The intelligentinstruments of underground pressure data collector and com-putor data processor used at Qianjiaying Mine of KailuanCoal Mining Administration providers an advanced means forunderground pressure monitoring. It can not only monitorthe underground pressure, but reflect the operation level ofminers and discover the problems of supporting quality intime. The practical tests at fully mechanized face 1171 ofthat mine showed a efficiency 3-4 times that of the mechani-cal instruments and 120 times that of manual processing.Futhermore, the monitored results can be fed back to theworksite, resulting in a reduction of the roof fall by 9423%. support failure by 1.59% and in a raise of themonthly output by 56.8%
Ground Pressure and Strata Control