首先回顾了时空数据处理与分析的发展历史 ,探讨了开展智能化研究的必要性 ,并提出了具有层次结构的时空数据智能化处理和分析的体系结构 .结合第四代基于特征的地理信息系统的理论和技术 ,提出发展地理智能系统需要着重解决几个关键问题 :地学知识的表达与推理 ;建立多尺度时空数据融合模型 ;时空数据统计特性的模型化表达 ;引进人工智能领域最新方法 ,设计有效、快速的时空数据的特征表达、分析、数据挖掘、知识发现等算法 ,形成一系列时空数据的智能化处理和分析功能 .
Being combined with synthetic sciences and techniques such as earth science, computation science and information technology, the aim of processing and analyzing model for temporal and spatial information has been focused on obtaining the hidden features of spatial differentiation and temporal changes of phenomenon of earth surface from temporal and spatial database. In this paper, while the developing history of temporal and spatial information processing and analyzing model is reviewed such a conclusion is arrived that the direction of Geo-Analysis for temporal and spatial information is aiming to intelligentization, then the hierarchical structural system of intelligent processing and analyzing models for temporal and spatial data is initially built based on multiple theoretical and technical issues, including Geo-Analysis, Mathematical and Statistical Analysis, Neural Computation, Knowledge processing, and so on. Developed with feature-oriented GIS-4, some crucial points on intelligent processing and analyzing system for temporal and spatial data are presented, including the representing and inferring mechanisms of geo-knowledge, integrated models for multiple-scale temporal and spatial data, the modelling representation for the statistical characteristics of the spatial data, and the function sets combined with a serials of the rapid and efficient algorithms such as spatial information processing, feature detecting, temporal and spatial analyzing, data mining, and knowledge discovery.
Journal of Image and Graphics
中国科学院创新项目 ( KZCX1-Y-0 2 )