The pancreatic volum in vivo of a prospective study was performed by the NAI-200 Medical image processing system. 24 cases (7 with insulin-dependent and 17 with non-insulin-dependent with diabetes and healthy subjects as control group. To get a serial of image CT scanning in 0.5cm equal distance.The transmitted image information into compute by special camara. Men-machine mode drow out panceras edage exactly. compute out the volum of in vivo by the special fixed program's software. The results showed that the volum of pancreatic in diabetes is 12.79±2.18cm3/m3 control group is 16.44±4.14cm2/m2 (P<0.01 ).Quantitative analysis to CT of pancreas exhibit the pancreas of patients with diabetes was markedly smaller than normal group.
Journal of Image and Graphics