Consider a company managing N distinct funds,each fund with its owm distinct initial reserve u i(i=1,2,... N) ,premium rates p i(i=1,2,...N) and distinct claims process X i(t).(i=1,2,...N) .An independent superclaims process corresponds that the company must honor,and choose to pay off via only one of the distinct uniquely until that fund is ruined,hence thesuperclaimswill be payed from another of the remaining funds(uniquely) until that fund is ruined,and so on.The company is ruinedwhen its last remaining fund is ruined.In this paper we derive the optimal policy to minimize the expected discounted time until the company is ruined.
Consider a company managing N distinct funds,each fund with its owm distinct initial reserve u i(i=1,2,... N) ,premium rates p i(i=1,2,...N) and distinct claims process X i(t).(i=1,2,...N) .An independent superclaims process corresponds that the company must honor,and choose to pay off via only one of the distinct uniquely until that fund is ruined,hence thesuperclaimswill be payed from another of the remaining funds(uniquely) until that fund is ruined,and so on.The company is ruinedwhen its last remaining fund is ruined.In this paper we derive the optimal policy to minimize the expected discounted time until the company is ruined.
Mathematical Theory and Applications