本文对广西大学在校的十个专业的本科生 480人 ,作了一次有关外语学习成绩与学习动机、态度、兴趣等的问卷调查 ,调查结果表明了学生的学习动机、态度、兴趣等这些情感因素 ,对学生的外语学习有着非常重要的影响。希望本研究能对广大大英教师教学工作有所帮助 。
The article reports a study that examines 480 College Students about emotional Factors' influence on foreign language leaning through a questionnaire . The findings show that Emotional factors have an important influence on foreign language learning of the students, different motivations ,attitudes and interests lead to different learning results. The implication is that the research can contribute to College English teaching and learning ,a heated discussion can be given rise to it .
Guangxi Higher Education Research