
大兴安岭地区跳象属二新种(鞘翅目:象虫科) 被引量:4

Two New Species of Rhynchaenus (Coleoptera:Curculionidae) from Daxinganling Mountains Region
摘要 跳象属Rhynchaenus Clairville et Schellenbeng在古北区已报导了70种以上。我国报导了榆跳象(Rh.alni Linnaeus)、枫杨跳象(Rh.sp.)及杨潜叶跳象[Rh.(Tachyerges)empopulifolis Chen]。本文描述跳象属的二个新种,它们分别属于Nomizo MorimototOrchestes Illiger亚属;其成虫、幼虫在大兴安岭地区潜食蒙古柞(Quercus mongolicaFisch.et Turcz.)的幼树叶子。新种的模式标本保存在东北林业大学。 In the presenrt paper the authors described two new species of curculionid beetles belonging to the genus Rhynchaenus, collected from Daxinganling Mountains Region. The adults and larvae of the two new species attack the leaves of Quercus mongolica. The type specimens are kept in the Insect Collections of Northeast Forestry Univeisity, Harbin, China.Rhynchaenus (Nomizo) gulienses Yang et Dai, sp. nov. (Figs 1,2)Length: 2.4mm. Rostrum, head, pronotum and elytra black; antennae and tarsi yellow brown. Scutellum and head around eyes rather densely covered with whitish hairs, elytra and legs with grey-white hairs mixed with black hairs.Allied to Rh. (Nomizo) kamiyai, but may be distinguished from the latter by antennae having scape as long as or a little longer than the first segement of funicle, and fore and mid-femora without spines.Holotype (?), Guli Forest Farm, Daxinganling Prefecture, 1986-Ⅶ-4, collected by Yang Liming. Allotype (?) , paratypes 5 (?) (?) 7 (?) (?) , Jiagedaqi, Daxinganling Prefecture, 1987-Ⅵ-30, collected by Zhang Xudong.Rhynchaenus (Orchestes) maculosus Yang et Zhang, sp.no v.(Fig. 3)Black, clothed with rusty-red hairs and usually mixed with black hairs Body 2.5-3.6mm long. Antennae, tibiae and tarsi yellow brown. Elytra with ten pairs of distinct intervals, each with several black-haired patches and those on the first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth and tenth intervals being very distinct.Allied to Rh. (Orchestes) dorsoplanatus (Roelofs), but can be distinguished from the latter by elytra with four pairs of conspicuous black fascicles on the third, fifth, seventh and ninth intervals at subapical calli, by the black fascicles in the middle of third interval and the base of fourth interval.Holotype (?) , Jagedaqi, 1987-Ⅵ-30, collected by Zhang Xudngo. Allotype (?) ; paratypes 4 (?) (?) 9 (?) (?); the data are the same as holotype.
出处 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 1991年第1期25-27,共3页 昆虫分类学报(英文)
关键词 象虫科 跳象属 新种 Curculionidae-Taxonomy/ Rhynchaenus. New Species.
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