通过研究,作者认为钩冠角蝉属Hypsolyrium的前胸背板前角突形状在同种个体间变异很大,不能作为种鉴别的主要特征。作者通过对雄性外生殖器、头部额唇基端部形状、两单眼间距离、前胸背板齿的有无、后突起长度、雌性翅的形状等特征的观察,对钩冠角蝉属进行了分类研究,记述了本属所有已知种类——全世界共知7种,其中包括3新种,即乌桕钩冠角蝉H.sapium,油桐钩冠角蝉H.aleurites, 江西钩冠角蝉H.jangxiensis,制作了分种检索表。并应用Farris-Wagner数值分析法对7个种的系统发育进行了分析,绘制了系统发育支序图。
The present paper deals with the researches on classification of 7 species belonging to the Genus Hypsolyrium Schmidt. Among them 3 species are described as new to science, namely H. aleurites, H. sapium and H. jiangxiensis, the other 4 are known species, namely H. uncinatum (stal), H. kempi (Distant), H. guizhouensis Chou et Yuan and H. fujianensis Chou et Yuan. Geographical distributions of all the species and host plants of 3 species are noted. A diagnostic key to species is provided. A phylogenetic cladogram of all the species is made out. All the type specimens are kept in the Entomological Museum of the Northwestern Agricultural University.1. Hypsolyrium aleurites Yuan et Gao, sp. nov. (Fig.3)Length including tegmina 7.2-8.5mm. Wing expanse 15.6-17.6mm. Height from bottom of thorax to tip of anterior process 3.5-4.3mm. Height of dorsal subapical node on posterior process 0.21-0.50mm. This species is closely related to H. fujianensis Chou et Yuan, but is different from it in following characters: the dorsal subapical node on posterior process lower and not triangular-shaped; posterior process not reaching to the semicircular hyaline marking inside the internal angles of tegmina or just reaching to the marking; terminal part of male subgenital plate wider, process on lateral plate shorter and smaller; aedeagus thicker.Type: Holotype: (?) , Allotype: (?) , Paratypes: 4 (?) (?) , 8 (?) (?) , Daozhen County, Guizhou Province, China, 20-Ⅹ-1980, colected by Xiang He.Host plant: Aleurites fordii Hemsl.2. Hypsolyrium sapium Yuan et Gao, sp. nov. (Fig.4)Male length including tegmina 8.4mm. Wing expanse 15.7mm. Height from bottom of thorax to tip of anterior process 5.9mm. Height of dorsal subapical node on posterior process 0.28mm. This species is closely related to H. aleurites Yuan et Gao, but is different from it in the following characters: anterior process standing tall, curved backwards and crescent; the distance between ocelli nearly twice as far as between ocellus and eye; apex of median lobe of frontoclypeus wide and truncate; dorsal subapical node high and triangular-shaped; male genitalia lateral plate with longer and curved process, terminal part of aedeagus thinner.Type: Holotype: (?) , Daozhen County, Guizhou Province, China, 20-Ⅹ-1980, collected by Xiang He.Host plant: Sapium sebiferum, (L.) Roxb.3. Hypsolyrium jiangxiensis Yuan et Xu, sp. nov. (Fig.5)Length including tegmina 7.8-8.0mm. Wing expanse 14.4-16.9mm. Height from bottom of the thorax to tip of anterior process 4.0-5.3mm. Height of dorsal subapical node 0.44-0.88mm. This species is closely related to H. fu jianensis Chou et Yuan, but is different from it in following characters: posterior process extending beyond half of semicircular hyaline marking inside internal angles of tegmina; aedeagus thicher, its apical part thinning abruptly, spines on its surface arranging regularly.Type: Holotype: (?) , Allotype: (?) , Paratypes: 3 (?) (?), 3 (?) (?) , Jiulianshan, Jiangxi Province.
Membracidae, Hypsolyrium, Systematics, New species, Phylogeny.