本文记述四川省凉山彝族自治州金屏山地区斑翅蝗科壮蝗属Ochyracris Zheng新属及红胫壮蝗Ochyracris rufutibialis Zheng新种。该新属近似于赤翅蝗属CelesSaussure,主要区别为:头侧窝短三角形,在头顶顶端相距较远;后翅基部淡黄色;后足胫节红色。 模式种:红胫壮蝗Ochyracris rufutibialis Zheng新种。
In the present paper a genus and a species of Oedipodidae from Jinping Shan region of Sichuan are described as new to science. The type specimens are kept in the Department of Biology, Shaanxi Normal University.Ochyracris Zheng, gen. nov.Body robust, size medium, without fine hairs on the ventral surface and legs. Foveola distinct, short triangular. Antennae filiform, reaching the hind margin of pronotum. Eyes oval. Pronotum slightly tectiform, medial keel distinct, cut by posterior transverse sulcus; lateral keels only distinct in metazona; metazona larger than prozona; hind margin obtuse angularly protruded. Elytra and wings fully developed, reaching beyond the top of hind femur, apex rounded, transverse veins in apical patr of elytra erect, cells square or oblong; with intercalary vein in median area. Basal part of wing yellowish, without dark fasia, only dark in anterior and outer margins. Hind femur robust and short; median keel of upper side of hind femur smooth, without flne teeth. Terminal half of hind tibia red. Tympanum organ developed.Type species: Ochyracris rufutibialis Zheng, sp.nov.This new genus is allied to Celes Saussure 1884, but differs by: foveola short triangular; the basal part of wing yellowish; hind tibia red, with black transverse ring. Ochyracris rufutibialis Zheng, sp. nov.(figs.l-7)(?) : General colouration dark yellow-brown. Elytra dark yellow-brown, without black spots. The basal part of wing yellowish, only dark in anterior and outer margins. Outer and upper side of hind femur dark yellow-brown; inner and lower side yellow, with two black bands on upper, lower and inner side; knee dark. Basal part of hind tibia black, with a white ring in the middle of black part, terminal half of tibia red.(?): As the male.Length of body: (?) 19-21, (?) 24-25mm. Length of pronotum: (?) 4-5, (?) 5.5-6mm. Length of elytra: (?) 18.5-19, (?) 22-23mm. Length of hind femur: (?) 12-12.5, (?) 13-14mm.Holotype (?) , allotype (?) , paratypes 2 (?) (?) , 1 (?), Sichuan: Yanyuan, 10-Ⅴ -1989, Lin Fengming.
Jinping Shan, Oedipodidae, new genus, new species,Orthoptera.