
云南蛮白蚁属及钩白蚁属四新种(等翅目:白蚁科) 被引量:1

摘要 1.勐仓蛮白蚁Microtermes menglunensis Zhu et Huang 新种 兵蚁(图Ⅰ:1—8) Microtermes and Ancistrotermes were erected by Wasmann and Silvestri in 1902 and 1912 respectively. Only one species of the genus Microtermes is known in the last twenty years from Yunnan, China. The present study is based upon specimens in the collection of the author from the tropical rainforest and seasonal rainforest regions in southern Yunnan. Four new species of the genera Microtermes and Ancistrotermes are described herewith, namely, Microtermes menglunensis, Ancistrotermes ganlanbaensis, A. xiai, A. crassiceps. Up to now, the genus Ancistrotermes is the first record in China.1. Microtermes menglunensis Zhu et Huang, sp. n. (Fig.Ⅰ: 1-8)The soldier of Microtermes menglunensis, sp. n. comes close to that of M. unicolor Snyder, but it can be easily distinguished by the following characters: body size of sp. n. larger than that of the M. unicolor; Dorsal aspect of head humped distinctly; basic tooth of sp. n. with two wave-shaped convexities anteriorly; postmentum of sp. n. larger and thinner than that of M. unicolor. Collected from Menglun, Mengla County, Yunnan province (21°?55' N latitude, 101°?15' E longitude), 900m a.s.l; 19 July, 1984, by Zhu Shimo. Digged out from red soil beside the highway. Specimen No. 84Ⅶ 190142.Type specimens: Soldiers (holotype, paratypes), workers.2. Ancistrotermes ganlanbaensis Zhu et Huang, sp. n. (Fig.Ⅱ: 1-11) The large and small soldiers of Ancistrotermes ganlanbaensis, sp. n. come close to those of A. pakistanicus (Ahmad), but larger than the latter species. Collected from Ganlanba, Jinghong County, Yunnan province (21°?51' N latitude, 100°?55' E longitude), 500m a.s.l.; 19 July, 1982, by Zhu Shimo, in termite mound. Specimen No. 82Ⅶ 190371.Type specimens: Major soldiers (holotype, paratypes), minor soldiers (morphotype, paramorphotypes), workers.3. Ancistrotermes xiai Zhu et Huang, sp. n. (Fig.Ⅲ: 1-13)The large and small soldiers of Ancistrotermes xiai, sp. n., come close to those of A equatorius Harris, but differ as follows: length of mandibles of the new species shorter than the vs. species; postmentum shaped like a round spoon. Collected from Menglun, Mengla County, Yunnan province (21 °?55' N latitude, 101° ?15' E longitude), 600m a.s.l; 16 July, 1984, by Zhu Shimo, digged out from the roots of bamboo. Specimen No. 84Ⅶ160119.Type specimens: Ma jor soldiers (holotype, paratypes), minor soldiers (morphotype, paramorphotypes), workers.This new species is named in honor of Prof. Xia Kailing, a famous entomologist in China.4. Ancistrotermes crassiceps Zhu et Wang, sp. n. (Fig. Ⅳ: 1-15)The large and small soldiers of Ancistrotermes crassiceps, sp. n., come close to thoseof A. cavithorax (S jostedt), but it can be easily distinguished by the following characters:each mandible of the sp. n. with one point near the middle; thickness of dorsal head topostmentum larger; body size larger than that of A. pakistanicus (Ahmad). Collected from Manfeilong, Jinghong County, Yunnan province (21 °?55' N latitude, 100°?47' E longitude), 640m a.s.l.; 21 July, 1984, by Zhu Shimo. Digged out from a termite mound on the big dam. Speciman No. 84Ⅶ 210148.Type specimens: Ma jor soldiers (holotype, paratypes), minor soldiers (morphotype, paramorphotypes), workers.
出处 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 1991年第3期161-170,共10页 昆虫分类学报(英文)
关键词 等翅目 白蚁科 蛮白蚁属 钩白蚁属 Yunnan, Isoptera, Microtermes, Ancistrotermes.
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  • 1蔡邦华,中国白蚁,1980年
  • 2蔡邦华,昆虫学报,1963年,12卷,2期,183页




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