我国似动蜉属Cinygmina的种类已知3种。我们于1985~1986年在湖南省进行蜉蝣目昆虫调查时,采集到不少似动蜉属标本。经鉴定,除我国已知的3种外,还发现了一新种,定名为湖南似动蜉Cinygmina hunanensis。所有标本,包括新种模式标本,均用75%酒精保存,存放于南京师范大学生物系动物标本室。
The present paper deals with the genus Cinygmina (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) from Hunan Province, China. Four species in which one is new are reported as follows: Cinygmina obliquistriata You et al, C. rubromaculata You et al, C. yixingensis Wu et You and C. hunanensis sp. nov..Cinygmina hunanensis Zhang et Cai, sp. nov. (Figs. 1 - 9)Allied to Cinygmina yixingensis Wu et You, 1986, but differs in body size large, abdominal terga 1-9 with brownish color besides a transverse brownish stripe at the posterior margin, and a very small needle-like process located between two penal lobes.Holotype (?) , imago, 18-Ⅵ-1986, Zhangjia jie(29 °?18' N, 110°?26' E), Dayong, Hunan, China, coll. She Shusheng and Zhang Jun; paratypes 2 (?) (?), imagoes and 2 (?) (?), subimagoes, same data as holotype.All type specimens are preserved in 75% alcohol and deposited in the Animal Collection of the Department of Biology, Nanjing Nprmal University, Nanjing, China.
Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae, Cinygmina, New species.