断脉赤眼蜂属Mirufens系Girault 1915年以M.dentipes作为属的模式种建立的。迄今全世界已知有11种,分布于澳大利亚、印度、斯里兰卡、叙利亚、欧洲及中国。该属的主要特征:雌虫触角由9节组成,其结构式为:柄节:梗节:环状节:索节:棒状节=1:1:2:2:3。雄虫触角10节,比雌虫触角末端多1小节,其索节及棒状节具有轮生的长毛,与雌性明显不同。前翅宽阔,翅端圆,缘毛短,缘脉与翅的前缘紧接或分离,缘前脉与缘脉之间有一明显的断裂痕。前足胫节外缘具有一行齿列。此属在中国仅知台湾省有1未定名种(林桂瑞,1981),大陆地区尚无分布记录。本文报道采自辽宁沈阳的断脉赤眼蜂属1新种。模式标本存于沈阳农业大学昆虫标本室。
The new species is similar to the genus type species Mirufens dentipes Girault in form, size and color, but dissimilar in the shape and proportion of antennal funicle. For the type species: funicle Ⅰ length slightly greater than width, funicle 2 width slightly greater than length; while for the new species: both funicles width notably greater than length, total length of two funicles only half the length of pedicel.The new species is also similar to M. brevifuniculata Khan et Shafee, but in th latter the body length is only 0.63mm; frons, vertex, the middle of scutum and scutellum yellow; stigmal vein of the fore wing as long as marginal vein; ovipositor extends from the third segment of abdomen and is invisible. These features distinguish easily the latter from the new species.Holotype (?), paratypes 2 (?) (?) , 2-Ⅵ-1985, Dong Ling, Shenyang, Liaoning obtained from eggs of a species of Cicadellidae parasited on the Malus pallasiana, coll. Lou Juxian; kept in the Insect Collection of Shenyang Agricultrual University, Shenyang, China.Host: Eggs of a species of Cicadellidae.
Hymenoptera, Taxonomy, Trichogrammatidae, Mirufens, New species.