我们从陕西省南部大巴山(安康地区平利县千家坪林场,位于东经109°15′,北纬31°50′)采获一批蚤类标本,经鉴定其中有狭蚤属 Stenoponia Jordan et Rothschild,1911新种。根据其模式产地,命名为大巴山狭蚤,兹记述如下。 大巴山狭蚤 Stenoponia dabashanensis新种 鉴别特征 新种烦栉刺数和下唇须仅一节,与上海狭蚤 Stenoponia shanghaiensis Liu et Wu 1960 兰狭蚤 S. coclcstis Jordan et Rothschild, 1911 和短距狭蚤S. formozovi Ioff et Tiflov, 1934接近。但下列特征可以区别:1)
Stenoponia dabashanensis sp.nor.(figs.1-4)Diagnosis:the new species is closely related to Stenoponia shanghaiensis Liu et Wu,1960,S.coclestis Jordan et Rothschild,1911 and S formozovi loff et Thlov,1934 but differs:(1) in male,apical arm of St 9 without any spiniform could he separated the former;(2) in female,shallow sinus of St.7 could be separated from the second;and (3) from the latter by the counts of genal comb and pronotal comb are less,the movable process of claspcs is longer and its width from base to end almost equal and the apical arm of St.9 claviform but not expansion.Holotype male,body length 3.0 mm,allotype female 3.5 mm,paratypes 3 females,all collected on November,1986 from body of Eothenomys melanogaster.All types are deposited in the Health and Anti-Epidemic Station of Shaanxi Province.
Acta Entomologica Sinica