本文记述夜蛾科一新属二新种。新种的模式标本均存中国科学院动物研究所。 银白冬夜蛾属 Argyromatoides 新属 属征 喙发达,下唇须短,向前伸,额有一弧形横脊状突起,其下有角质片,两侧并有齿状短突,雄蛾触角线形;前足胫节内侧有一长弯爪;腹部背面无毛簇;前翅窄长,翅尖较尖,外缘斜;后翅M_2自中室横脉下方发出。雄蛾前翅反面在中室前有长毛簇。
In this paper,a new genus and two new species of Noctuidae are reported.Type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology,Academia Sinica.Argyromatoides gen.nov.Proboscis fully developed,palpi porrect,very short,frons with transverse ridge-like prominence,with corneous plate below it,antennae of male ciliated,fore tibiae with a long curved claw on inner side.,ahrlnmen without dorsal crests Fore wing long and nafrow,the apex produced,the termen oblique hind wing with M2 obsolescent from above angle of cell.Wings of male on underside with the subcosta area of fore wing and basal half of hind wing clothed with long hair.Type species:Argyromatoides nitida Chen sp.nov.The new genus is allied to Argyromata Hampson,but can he srparated from ir by the frons with a transverse ridge-like prominence,and the fore tibiae with long curved claw on inner side.Argyromatoides nitida Chen gen.et sp.nov.Differs from Argyromata splendida(Stoll)by fore wing silverly white,not tinged with blue,the clasper tapered to a point.Holorype,Gansu(Qingyang),Aug.11,1972;paratype 2,ditto.Ephesia xizangensis Chen sp.nov.Similar to Ephesia dissimilis(Bremer),but large,hind wing with a white postmedial band,clasper asymmetrical,on the right it extending in a long arm on the left the are broad,the inner dise sinuous.Holotvpe of,Xizang(Bome 2300 m),Aug.28,1983,collected by Han Yin-heng;paratype,ditto.
Acta Entomologica Sinica