丹蓟马属 Danothrips Bhatti,1971隶属蓟马科(Thripidae)、呆蓟马族(Anaphothripini)。世界曾有6种记述,均分布于热带、亚热带地区(Bhatti,1980)。我国曾有1种D.theivous(Karny)的分布记录(张维球,1982)。本属与鬃呆蓟马属 Chaetanaphothrips颇相似,两属的形态区别,Bhatti(1971,1980)、Sakimura(1974)已作了详细的研究,同时认为,丹蓟马属种间雌虫形态区别较少,雄虫形态是确定种的主要依据。
This paper reports a new species of the genus Danothrips Bhatti,1971 of Thripidae from China.Type specimens are deposited in the Insect Collections of South China Agricultural University.Danothrips dianellae sp.nov.(figs.1-7)Male:Length 1.0-1.1 mm.Body yellow,ocellar crescent red,the head with postocular seta Ⅱ placed with the row of setae along the edge of eye.Forewing with two greyish brown cross bands alternating with two clear areas.Abdominal tergumⅨ with two pair of thorn-like setae.Female similar to male.Host plant:Dianella ensifolia(Linn.)Holotype,Guangzhou,Guangdong Prov.,Sep.17,1985,collected by Tong Xiao-li on leaves of Dtanella ensifolia(Linn.),allotype,paratypes 9,collected with holotype,para-types 1,Huidong Co.,Guangdong Prov.,Mar.20,1988,collected by Tong Xiao-li.The new species is closely to Danothripsalis Bhatti(dist.:Malaya).It is separated from the latter by the inner posteroangular pronotal setae much longer than the oute.r.Antennal segment Ⅵ with a short pedicel.Abdominal tergum Ⅸ of male with anterior thorn-like setae 20μm long the posterior ones 26μm long.However,D.alis the inner and outer posteroangular pronotal setae subequal.Antennal segment Ⅵ without pedicel,anterior thorn-like setae 13μm long,the posterior ones 22μm long of the tergum Ⅸ of male.
Acta Entomologica Sinica