2Evan S. Medeiros: Rebuilding Bilateral Consensus: Assessing US-China Arms Control and Nonproliferation Achievements, The Nonprolifer-ation Review, Spring 2001, p. 132.
6转引自David Shambaugh: Sino-American Relations: Cooperation and Competition, article submitted to the Third Sino-US Arms Control, Disarmament and Nonproliferation Conference, Beijing, Sept. 14-15,2000.
1Joseph Cirineicone and Frank von Hippel, op. cit. p. 50.
2Richard N. Cooper, "Emerging Missile Threats to North America During the Next 15 Years"(Written statement made by Richard Cooper for the heating of the House National Security Committee, 28th Feb. 1996),Joseph Cirincione and Frank von Hippel, op, cit, eppendix B.
3"Executive Summary of the Report of the Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States" (Declassificd July 15,1998), http ://www, hlghfrontier. org/report. htm.
4Richard Fleisher, Jon R. Bond, Glen S. Krutz, Stephen Hanna,"The Demise of the Two Presidencies", American Politics Quarterly, Jan.2000, pp, 3 - 25.
5Jennifer E. Siras, "The Arms Control Process: The U. S. Domestic Context" Jeffrey A. Larsen and Greaory J. Rattray. op. cit, pp. 65 - 66.
6Duncan L. Clarke, Polities of Arms Control - The Role and Effectiveness of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmarnent Agency(London: The Free Press, 1979), p.209.
7"NSC' s Berger on U. S. Power at Council on Foreign Relations-Internationalist Consensus Challenged by New Isolationism,October 21", Washington File, October 22, 1999, pp. 15-17.
8"Press Conference by the President, October 14", Washington , October 15, 1999, p.7.
9Eric Sehmit, "Why Clinton Hea on Pact Let Lott Unmoved",The New York Times, October 15, 1999.
10Eric Schmitt"Missile Defenses Leave Fantasy Behind", New York Times, March 21, 1999.