为了实现黄河高浊度水在线自动检测 ,通过动态模型实验 ,使用透光脉动检测仪检测絮凝体的脉动值用以描述絮凝体的颗粒大小 .实验表明 ,检测值同投药量和沉后余浊有着良好的相关性 。
To measure high turbidity water of the Yellow Riv er automatically, granular sizes of flocs is determined by using transparent pulsa tion device through the dynamic modelling. It has been proved that the detecting value, adding dosage and turbidity residual have a satisfactory regression relat ionship. Thus, the flocculant auto-adding into high turbidity water of the Yello w River can be realized.
Journal of Lanzhou Railway University