本文论述了用 X 射线衍射法间接测定双■轮刨片机 GCr15钢制刀片的工作温度.用该钢种制成并经不同热处理的八个标样和服役后的刀片,进行衍射线形的测量和半高宽值的测算.通过微机进行的回归分析,得出半高宽值与温度的关系曲线的相关系数为0.995,刀片工作温度为271±10℃.理论分析和实验数据表明:这一间接测定刀片工作温度的方法、简便易行,有一定的准确、可靠性.对某些不能用常规方法测定工作温度的金属零件具有特殊的意义.
This paper deals with the indirect determination of the operating temperature of cutting tool with GCr 15 steel,on the knife ring flaker.By the x-ray diffraction method,the diffraction line profiles and its half width of the cutting tools and sam- ples using the same steel like that of the cutting tools were obtained.Both of them have similar heat treatment practice,and the difference lies in the fact that the sampl es have wide tempering temperature range. By comparing their x-ray diffraction data,the operating temperature of the cutt ting tools was obtained.It is 271±10℃. This experimental method is not complex and has higher accuracy and it especially has its significance in measuring the operature of metal parts,which can not be done by ordinary methods.
X-ray diffraction method
Diffraction line profiles
Half width.